Thursday, November 22, 2012

On our way to ND!

On one of the stopover on our way to Jamestown, JP and Jessie. 

Early in the morning, we set out to visit the parish that adopted us spiritually. Grace Episcopal Church Jamestown has sponsored us at the time when I went to do my Teaching Parish Program (TPP) which happened in the summer of 2011. As we prepared ourselves to share our testimony of how God protected us throughout the war and Genocide in our homeland, our joy came from hearing responses that People are able to find peace and hope in the midst of their own struggles and hardships. It was a difficult exercise to share the experiences of a war that is the center of contests and conflicting arguments for which many find themselves at enmity with each other. Our point was to relate our own experience and how our faith was truly impacted by what happened to us. From one slightly high economic background end to the other spectrum, God is able to teach a person to adapt to new situations and possibly to enjoy the humanity that you find amongst those who are economically challenged. Our journey from one of the smallest countries in Africa to the United States is one that humble us to see the power of God at work. Even when we despaired, God's presence did not leave us. The test was just too great for many and ours wasn't unaffected either. I am so thankful that God deemed us worthy of His grace, so that we may seek him and find him. The journey has not been easy, but we are encouraged to persevere in the Lord.

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